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We have shifted all the pages of the portal to our Advising Website. Click the link below to visit our website.

​​​Goal of Advising At LUMS 

At LUMS, the Advising Units are deeply invested in the success of the students. The University endeavours to ensure that quality academic advising is available and accessible to all students, customised to each stage of the students academic experience. Advisors can help students to plan their degree or to take advantage of unique opportunities available such as study abroad options.  They provide guidance to students assisting them in making informed academic decisions in light of their academic, professional and personal goals. 

Mechanisms of Advising 

Each school at LUMS has designed an advising system that seeks to provide students with the appropriate information and support. Depending on the school, this advising system may involve faculty advisers, staff advisers, and peer advisers. Further, most schools have different advising-expectations and advising-supports depending on the class year (first-year, sophomore, juniors, senior, super-seniors).



If you are facing any issues in navigating this portal, connecting with your school advisors, or have any suggestions for improving advising at LUMS (including feedback on this portal), you can email the central Office of Academic Advising and Student Success at​

The Role of the Office of Academic Advising 

The Office of Academic Advising is a new central university office that works closely with schools as a thought-partner as well as a standard-setting and capacity-building partner. More specifically, the Office works as a thought-partner with each school’s Dean and Advising Unit staff to: i) get input from stakeholders (students, faculty, staff and alumni); ii) identify university-wide standards and goals for advising at LUMS; and iii) build capacity within each school’s advising system to meet university standards and goals for advising. Furthermore, the office  gets input from all stakeholders (students, faculty, staff and alumni) to identify advising needs and ways of meeting these needs.  


​Contacting the Office of Academic Advising 

The first point of contact for advising issues should be school advising staff. The details of each school’s undergraduate advice structure is given within the sections for each school within the Handbook. For any issues connecting with school advisers, or for suggestions for the advising system at LUMS, students, faculty, and staff can email the Office of Academic Advising at